There are plenty of examples of male characters, and I've already given them to you, you're just too much of a bigot to see it. I'm not sure what prostitutes you've seen, but the ones I've seen look nothing like that. This is dressing like a prostitute to you? Your response was literally "It's there to serve a purpose".
As a result, your account will not be flagged.I'm not ignoring your female examples, but you provide zero reasoning as to why you think Sylvanas shouldn't show any skin and why it's completely fine for Archimonde to only wear underwear. In the case of acc sharing, it allows logging into your account, avoiding all the security blocks. We have developed the Hide My Boost system.With our online boosts schedule, any in-game carry will be fast, easy, and effective!.That's why we will do any service you buy with incredible speed & quality! We have the biggest base of time-tested boosters over E.U.
It means that if something goes wrong, you can get a full or a partial refund!
We know everything about this game and perfectly know how to make your carry easy, fast, and safe!

However, we recommend letting us know in Skype, Discord, or Facebook Messenger when you're logging into your account for security reasons. He will also guide you through the whole order process, provide status updates, and will be happy to answer any questions! Q: Will I be able to play my account while the booster is not playing? Your manager will answer all of your questions in Discord, Skype, or Facebook messenger. You should contact our support team after buying (all the links and easy instructions are on the « Thank you for your order» page. We will do your boost without interrupting your regular gaming sessions. You can set the schedule when our booster may play your account with your manager in Skype, Discord, or Facebook Messenger after buying the service. Q: Can I set the time when the booster may play my account? codes to our operator for our booster to log in. In case of account sharing, you will have to give auth. You can keep the Authenticator if you have one attached to your account. To make this process safe, we shall either use the VPN of your place or use our Hide My Boost app, which allows avoiding security blocks. During the boosting process, we shall log into your account and securely do everything that is needed. We perform all of our services manually, fairly playing the actual game.
We NEVER use any third-party software or exploits, and we do all the work manually.