
Whats the night screen called
Whats the night screen called

Hence why the red door is such an important factor in the film and its imagery. This is why Paul is so concerned with everyone following his strict rules for survival.

whats the night screen called whats the night screen called

And, ultimately, the 'it' is very much that, it is the fear of the unknown. I don't really have a problem with that, since the unseen and the unknown can be just as terrifying as what you do see. I'll be straightforward, if you're waiting for them to acknowledge what the 'it' in the title is referring to, then you're just wasting your time.


In many ways, this reminds me of A Quiet Place, which told you very little of the world, but told you enough to where you understood what was going on, why it was happening and why the film in that movie was as worried with security as they were. While Paul and his family live in an isolated house in the woods, I feel like there's stuff you could that would help flesh out what happened. But, in my opinion, for this vagueness to work, I think that the world needs to be a little more complete than this movie's world was. If you purposely leave things vague, then that's gonna inspire debate among people. But, if I'm being honest, part of me feels that the film's vagueness was done as a result of the fact that the narrative wasn't exactly grabbing the attention. And, overall, I thought this was a good movie, I really did. You had to do a lot of the work to piece it together. I know how this is gonna look, considering how much I defended Hereditary and how it gave you all the pieces for you to piece together. Not that I was expecting it to be as good as Hereditary, but I was expecting a better movie than what I got. But after having seen Hereditary (which is a masterpiece, I'll just be honest), this was one of the movies that I was hopeful would come close to that. This is prior to my annual horror fest, as this movie has been available on Prime Video for quite some time now.

whats the night screen called

I'll be honest, I was looking forward to this movie, it was just a movie that intrigued and called to me, as it were.

Whats the night screen called